Tag: 4change Stories
5 tips for a Valentine’s Day love story
Nothing speaks love more than red roses. But does our love for Valentine’s Day have to be at the expense of our love for the planet. With a little bit of thought I think we can spread that love to encompass all. Here are my top 5 tips.
Smiles at the ECOMAX Creche
The creche at our Eco Max Brushes producers factory is 6 months old now and visiting it is always a fabulous experience. See what changes have happened since we last visited as well as some DIY recipes for children’s play activities we tested while we were there.
perfect imperfection
“We don’t need a handful of people doing Zero Waste perfectly, we need millions of people doing it imperfectly” We so agree. Look at what we have achieved so far and how we can a go one step further.
To Compost or not to compost?
Thought about composting but not sure if it’s right for you? It doesn’t matter if you live in flat or in a house, learn how easy composting really can be.
A New Year’s Resolution for the Planet
Often our New Year’s Eve resolutions are a wish list for making improvements in our own life. But isn’t it time we made a New Year’s resolution for the planet!
In Support of WOMEN
“When you want to invest and create GDP, there is no better or more effective investment –than investing in women.” This is why we employ women in the making of our Fair Trade products.
Which is better for the planet, recycling plastics or replacing them with more sustainable natural solutions? We look at the positives and negatives of recycling plastics.
Fish, Fibres & Food
When fish eat fibres, the fish and the fibres end up on our dinner plate. But there is more to the story!
Breaking News – Breaking Habits
Now that supermarkets have stopped using single use plastic bags it’s time to learn a new habit. In this story of ImportAnts we see how habits are formed and how easy it is to learn the new BYO Bag Habit.
Good Wood
Protecting our Forests is a matter of ImportAnts, because they are more than just a collection of trees… So what is Good Wood and why should you care?
Earth Hour
Earth Hour 2018 is about conversations on the loss of nature around you. To get the conversation started ImportAnts have given you some ideas of things you can do locally. Ideas to connect with others in your community to drive global awareness and action on biodiversity.
Greed V Good
Trust in our institutions is at an all-time low. Thanks to the growth of social media, it is easier than ever to know when businesses ethical claims do not match our expectations. So what do we expect from businesses today?
A – Z of Produce Use
Getting the most from your produce is good for the planet and your purse. Whether it’s storing them or eating them, these EcoMaxHacks will make sure you get the best value and longest life out of the produce you buy.
Fairlings interview with Kim Good, Founder of Import Ants
Elephant poop. It’s not the kind of thing one often pauses to ponder. Yet for Import Ants Founder, Kim Good, elephant dung – and, more specifically, paper ingeniously made from the stuff – was the unlikely source of a major career change.
11 reasons why coconut is the new black
Renewable, sustainable, carbon neutral and 100 % natural, coconut can replace so many products that are harmful to the environment, read on to discover what you can replace with coconut.
4 Eco-Friendly Habits To Pass Onto Your Kids
Here’s 4 things you can do to make a personal impact on a global issue. Our environment is our responsibility and failing to take care of it is putting your children’s future at risk. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and teach your kids good environmental habits while you’re at it.
OMG! What will I use to line my bin?
How will I line my bin now that there are no more free shopping bags at supermarkets? Try this clever Eco Max Hack, a plastic free way to line your bin.
microbeads – they’re still out there…
Smaller than a grain of sand and designed to be disposed of down the drain. Microbeads are impossible to filter, so they easily make their way into our waterways and BILLIONS of them do so EVERY. DAY.
is your kitchen scourer killing you?
How do the scourers we use everyday impact on our health and the health of our environment ? The simple objects that we use all […]
How our Kitchen Scrubber scrubs up…
As all good cooks know the proof will always be in the pudding. So Import Ants asked one of our customers, avid Thermomix user Brian […]
5 reasons to switch to natural fibres
Natural vegetable fibres have been used for centuries, way before plastic was even invented. They are longer lasting and have no built in obsolescence, making […]
How to be Chemical Free
Do you worry about the amount of chemicals in your life? Want to know how to find toxic free alternatives to everyday products? It’s important […]
Fair’s Fair
A beginner’s guide: the 3 ideals that are the basis of Fair Trade. The idea of “Trade not Aid” began way back in the early […]
Meet the Makers – ECOMAX Brushes
Our ECOMAX Brushes are handmade in Sri Lanka by a small family run business that prides itself on crafting beautiful, sustainable, handmade brushes whilst […]