Tag: treefree Stories


Good Wood

Protecting our Forests is a matter of ImportAnts, because they are more than just a collection of trees… So what is Good Wood and why should you care?

Meet the Makers Thimble

Greed V Good

Trust in our institutions is at an all-time low. Thanks to the growth of social media, it is easier than ever to know when businesses ethical claims do not match our expectations. So what do we expect from businesses today?

A - Z of produce use

A – Z of Produce Use

Getting the most from your produce is good for the planet and your purse. Whether it’s storing them or eating them, these EcoMaxHacks will make sure you get the best value and longest life out of the produce you buy.


Fairlings interview with Kim Good, Founder of Import Ants

Elephant poop. It’s not the kind of thing one often pauses to ponder. Yet for Import Ants Founder, Kim Good, elephant dung – and, more specifically, paper ingeniously made from the stuff – was the unlikely source of a major career change.


is your kitchen scourer killing you?

How do the scourers we use everyday impact on our health and the health of our environment ? The simple objects that we use all […]

Eco Max Kitchen Scrubber

How our Kitchen Scrubber scrubs up…  

As all good cooks know the proof will always be in the pudding. So Import Ants asked one of our customers, avid Thermomix user Brian […]


5 reasons to switch to natural fibres

Natural vegetable fibres have been used for centuries, way before plastic was even invented. They are longer lasting and have no built in obsolescence, making […]